

SEGULA Technologies is a global engineering group that contributes to increasing competitiveness in all major industries: automotive, aerospace and defence, energy, rail, marine, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries. The Group operates in more than 30 countries with 140 offices worldwide and maintains close customer relationships thanks to the expertise of more than 12,000 employees. As a leading engineering specialist that puts innovation at the heart of its strategy, SEGULA Technologies carries out major projects ranging from technical studies to industrial applications and production.


Role in the project:

Drawing on its wide experience in trailer design and environmental impact assessment, SEGULA Technologies is responsible for the trailer design, the life-cycle assessment and the eco-design studies.


  • Contribution to achieve the European “Green Deal«  by making hydrogen a widespread energy carrier by 2030.
  • Reducing the cost and environmental footprint of transporting compressed hydrogen.
  • Creating Type V tubes to meet the objectives of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership by maximising the quantity of H2 transported.
  • Optimisation and lightening of the truck structure based on a 40-foot container (MEGC*) carrying these new tubes.
  • Creation of an innovative design and an optimised GH2 distribution system that complies with safety and transport standards.
  • Reducing the number of transport rotations between the production site and the delivery site.
  • The MEGC’s objective is a final capacity of 1452kg H2 / 70Mpa.
  • Production of a demonstrator of three type V tubes to validate the system.

(*MEGC : Multiple-element gas container transported on a chassis)


  • Assessment of the environmental impact of Type IV and V tubes trailers
  • Investigate and provide eco-design guidelines for the development of Type V trailers
Life Cycle Analysis